Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj

Students Corner

Students Ready

Regional Extension Center Activities

Sr Activity 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No No. of activities No. of benefi- No. of activities No. of benefi-ciaries No. of activities No. of benefi-ciaries No. of activi No. of benefi- No. of activi No. of benefi-
  ciaries ties ciaries ties ciaries
1 Training Programmes
  For farmers, farm women and youth 16 435 22 476 22 476 11 1123 13 715
  For staff of Development 30 1500 15 1347 15 1347 10 550 20 1100
  Interaction training programmebetn farmers & scientists 6 280 6 187 6 187 27 1701 10 1200
2 Workshops and Seminars attended
  Monthly Dist. Workshops 11 175 6 170 6 170 10 1175 6 210
  Zonal Workshops(ZREAC) Kharif, Rabi and Summer 2 2 2 1 2
  Seminar / Workshop attended by Univ. scientists 1 2 2 2 2
3 Demonstrations and Farm Trials
  Method Demonstration     25 25
  Result Demonstrations     42 42
  Front Line Demonstration (Paddy, Pigeon pea, Maize, Wheat, Summer Gr.nut) 41 41 42 42 25 25 10 10 9 9
  RKVY project (Mole drainage , S. cane intercrop demonstrations 150 150 150 150 300 300
  Adaptive trials (Micro-irrig.System) 20 20 25 25 25 25
4 Other Extension Education Programme
  Meeting and group discussions 15 1425 15 1401 15 1401 2 75 10 1200
  Field visit / Shivarpheries 15 275 11 257 11 257 12 1250 10 200
  Field days     6 167 5 200
  Farm and Home visits 30 315 12 215 12 215 10 35 10 50
  Farmers Rallies 34 4110 25 3570 25 3570 12 1250 10 1200
  Agril. Exhibition 7 2.90 lakh 12 2.90 lakh 12 7.90 lakh 5 3 lakh 10 5 lakh
  Farmers Study Tour 1 28 1 28
  Diagnostic Team Visit 6 15 10 25 10 25 6 25 5 30
  Surveillance Team Visit 2 47 2 47 2 19 3 20
  Lectures by Uni.Scientists in diff. extension programorganized byAgril Departments, NGOs. 25 6715 16 5312 16 5312 150 900 10 1200
  No. of farmers queries replies 534 534 725 725 725 725 97 97 150 150
  Vanmahostava (Treeplantation) 1 30 1 30 6 5
  Visit to Kharif/ rabi adaptive trials byUni. scientists 5 5 5 3 8 25 5 20
  Formation of TTC club 1 68 1 68 1 68 1 68 1 68
5 Publicity and Publications
  a) Publicity                 8
  News items                    
  Newspaper 28 mass 18 mass 18 mass 4 mass 150 mass
  Radio   5 mass 5 mass 2 mass
  T.V.   5 mass 21 mass 8 mass
  Articles in Newspa – pers / magazines 8 mass 15 mass 15 mass 2 mass 5 mass
  Radio Programme 2 mass 2 mass 1 mass 1 mass 5 mass
  Doordarshanprogramme 25 mass 12 mass 12 mass 5 mass 3 mass
  b) Publication Sale                    
  KrishiDarshani 1200 1200 1050 1050 1050 1050 1000 1000 600 600
  ShriSugi 50 50 50 50 50 50
  C)No. of persons 15 675 975 975 975 975 165 165 150 150
visited to R EC,
AC, Kolhapur
  D)No. of VIP visits 2 2 3 3 3 3
6 Adopted village development programme
I Mobile Van Programme (NO. Tahasils-12, Dist. Kolhapur)
  No. of queries solved 955 605 705 705 705 705 407 407 300 300
  No. of beneficiaries 7800 810 1015 1015 5705 5705 407 407 300 300
  No. of pests samples tested 155 110 100 100 305 205 205 75 75
  No. of diseases samples tested 150 95 123 123 400 100 100 85 85
II Kisan Calls attended 1077 200 657 657 705 350 350 225 225
7 RAWE Programme
  No. of Girl students 40 40 38 38 38 38 43 43 31 31
  Host Farmers selected 40 40 38 38 38 38 43 43 31 31
  Farmers’ Rallies 5 210 6 315 5 5 5 250 2 300
  Group Discussions 9 360 6 600 4 250 5 300 5 750
  Soil Samples tested 40 40 76 76 76 76 43 43 100 100
  Soil test crop response technology for 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5
targeted crop yields
Mahatma Phule

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