Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj
Students Corner
Students Ready
Services Available
Library provides traditional services under the following categories
- Books for reading
- Reference service
- Reading hall
- Xerox facility
- Print facility
- Current awareness services
- New Arrival display
- Open access facility to users
Library provides online services under the following categories
- Online issue and return with help of KOHA software
- Internet facility for searching the information
- E-resources are available in the e-books, e-journals, e-course ,ISO Food reference etc
- Library using Koha Library Management Software for maintaining database of its collection. Books are searchable electronically through WEB OPAC
- Subscription to Journals – CeRA (Consortium for E- Resources in Agriculture) is available in the library
IT Based Services
- Krishikosh
http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in - e-Learning Portal on Agricultural Education
e- Krishishiksha (e-Courses)
http://ecourses.icar.gov.in IndiaStat.com
Library has subscribed URL http://www.indiastat.com for getting various statistical figures of India and Maharashtra
- Book Section
- Book Bank Section
- Current Periodical section
- Back Volume Section
- Theses section
- Computer Lab
- Newspaper Section