Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj
Students Corner
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About College of Agriculture Kolhapur
Agriculture education in Maharashtra was initiated by establishment of two Agricultural Colleges at Pune and Nagpur. After the independence, it was observed that these were insufficient to educate the large group of students. Hence, it was felt necessary to establish new colleges in different regions.
The College of Agriculture, Kolhapur was established at Kasaba Bawada, about four kilometer away from Central Bus Stand, Kolhapur on 30th June,1963 to educate and disseminate need based agricultural technologies to the farming community of this region under the Shivaji University, Kolhapur and 63 students were admitted for the first batch. In 1968, after formation of Maharashtra Agricultural University; the College was transferred to this University. Subsequently on formation of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri in 1969, the College was transferred as a constituent College of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri and has become a regional headquarter for Kolhapur, Satara and Sangli districts. The College is located at old Pune-Bangalore National Highway No. 4, with different well equipped sectional buildings.
Rajarshee Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj was great emperor, a true democrat, social reformer and dynamic king of then Kolhaur princely state, to honour his visionsry contribution in social, co-oprative network, education and agriculture development and betterment of farmers, this college was renamed as Rajarshee Chhatrapti Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture, Kolhapur in March, 2017.
The college encompasses total area of about 131.38 hectares, out of which 85.55 ha.is available at main campus and remaining at Shenda Park, Kolhapur which is 4.0 km away from main campus. The average rainfall of this area is 1100 mm (70 rainy days), with maximum temperature of 36.9 0C and minimum temperature of 9.4 0C in the months of May and December, respectively. This region comes under Sub Montane Zone of Maharashtra at 160 41’N latitude and 74016’E longitudes with a height of 548 m MSL.
At the outset annual system of imparting education was trimester system (1970-74) which was subsequently modified and introduced by semester system in year 1975-76. The 10+2+3 pattern was followed from 1979 to 1984 and now 10+2+4 pattern is introduced since 1984 which comprises one Semester (VII) of Rural Agriculture Work Experience (RAWE) programme and Experiential Learning Programme for VIII semester from the academic year 2007-08.
The human resources are being utilized for agricultural education, research and extension needs of the State and Country. The degree programme is of four years duration spread over 8 semesters. The evaluation system comprises of internal (20%) and external (80%). The credit requirement for the B.Sc. (Agri) degree is 160 credits, out of which 20 credits are reserved for Rural Awareness & Agricultural Work Experience and Agricultural Industrial Awareness (RAWE & AIA) programme and 20 credits for Experiential Learning Module. As per the Vth Deans’ Committee recommendations the seven Experiential Learning Modules for VIII semester students are being implemented to make them practically capable in the fields of Seed Processing, Production of organic inputs (Vermi-compost), Vegetable Production, Farm Mechanization, Sericulture, Soil, Water, Plant and Fertilizer Analysis & Food Processing Technology, Bio-Fertilizer Production and Dairy Products.
Since the academic year, 2017-18, the college is implementing the Vth Dean committee syllabus as per the guidelines of MCAER, Pune with a degree programme of B. Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture.
The college playground and gymnasium has been upgraded with new instruments, rubber matting of badminton court and development and expansion of the running track.
The existing hostel facility has been increased by starting PG hostel for Boys and Girls separately during 2013.The new hostel for UG girl students with accommodation capacity of 105 has constructed through CSR fund and another hostel for 100 girl students is under construction through State Government fund.
Seed processing unit has been established on 14th January,2011 at college campus for processing of different grain seeds produced on university and private farms in Kolhapur region i.e. Sangli, Satara and Kolhapur districts.
One LED Screen board at College entrance at main gate towards old highway is installed to make farmers aquainted with daily weather data and previous annual rainfall, also one multicoloured LED Screen is installed to display various educational, research and extension activities of MPKV, Rahuri as well as the agriculture related advertisements to increase revenue receipts of the college.
In the cane belt of Kolhapur region for more than last one decade white grub has emerged as major pest, considering this All India Network Project on Soil Orthropods has been started in the college for the benefit of farmers in the Kolhapur region. Similarly, Laboratory for Mass Production of Biopesticide has been established by Entomology section which was funded by DPDC Kolhapur.
Farmers Training Center for livestock rearing, milk and milk products for the benefit of farmers as well as laboratory for UG and PG Students is established by AHDS section which was funded by DPDC Kolhapur.
The college offers under graduate and post graduate degree programmes in the Faculty of Agriculture as below
- B. Sc. (Hons.). Agriculture
M. Sc. (Agri.) in
a) Agril. Botany
b) Agronomy
c) Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science
d) Agril. Economics
e) Agril. Entomology
f) Extension Education
g) Horticulture
h) Plant Pathology
i) Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry
Mandate of the Institution
The RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur is a unique campus under the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar with complete integration of Teaching, Research and Extension. The major mandates of the college are :
- Making provision for imparting education in Agriculture.
- Advancement of learning and conducting research particularly in Agriculture and other allied sciences / technologies especially for the rural people of the state in general.
- Undertaking activities pertaining to major mandates viz, education, research and extension as directed by the University time to time.
Mission Statement
Providing quality agricultural education by conducting research, generating production technology and disseminating the technology to farmers and thus working for improvement, growth and well being of the community is the soul and spirit of the college
Goals and Objectives
The university has set the following goals to achieve its mission :
- To provide graduate and post graduate level quality education in agriculture for producing competent human resources.
- To encourage and provide agricultural education to girls particularly with rural background so as to increase their involvement in farming and allied agri-business activities and for empowerment of rural women.
- To carry out basic, applied and need based research in various fields related to agriculture to provide appropriate and economic solutions to emerging problems and to develop technologies to improve socio-economic conditions of farming community
- To arrange for effective transfer of various technologies to farmers and related organizations in order to improve agricultural productivity, production and overall economic conditions of the rural population of the state.
- To develop suitable technologies for supporting the growth of subsidiary occupation and agro-based industry and generate self employment opportunities for the educated youths and women.
- To provide technical advice to the State Government in planning various schemes for overall socio-economic progress of the rural population of the state.
Current Mission, Goals and Objectives
- To undertake teaching for UG and PG in Agriculture.
- To carryout research to generate technology and extension of technology to the farmers and professionals.
- To undertake the policy programme of state and central government related to agriculture education, research and extension.
Future Goals and Objectives
- To impart high quality education by adopting recent techniques.
- To undertake and update the short term research programme on new challenges posed by changing environment and globalization.
- To provide latest, economical and fast access of recent released technologies to the farmer and to the developmental agencies to accelerate growth.
- Improving teaching of learning process and methods for UG and PG study programme.
- To develop the barcode system for identity card for student and staff.
- Development of Energy Park for self sufficiency of college energy needs.
- Concepts of MOU are with non-agriculture institutes for generation of resources.
Short and Long Term Plans
- Developing students as an entrepreneur through experiential learning programme, particularly in the field of value addition, processing, organic farming, tissue culture, hi-tech horticulture and bio-control.
- Effective teaching through efficient use of various teaching aids.
- National and international exposure to the faculty.
- Establishment, strengthening and proper utilization of Hi-tech laboratories.
- Developing competency among the students to face competitive examinations at state and international level.
- Strengthening of existing PTCL laboratories with sufficient equipments and materials to conduct biotechnology practicals.
- To study the available genetic variability in the crops like paddy, groundnut, soybean, different minor millets, chickpea, wheat, safflower, sunflower, maize, mango, karonda, cashew and thereby to identify the potential varieties/ genotypes suitable for cultivation.
- To work-out the consistency in the performance of released varieties of different crops through stability analysis.
- Utilization of cytoplasmic genetic male sterility for development of commercial hybrids / varieties.
- Establishment of Market Information Centre at RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur.
- Economics of production and marketing of organic agricultural commodities, agro processing units, Hi-tech agriculture in Kolhapur region
- Price analysis of major agricultural commodities, performance analysis of different financial institutions and impact analysis of various improved production technologies.
- Installation of Soil Water Conservation structures on watershed basis in the college campus.
- Management of white grub with biopesticides, and work on genetic diversity in white grub, Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera and diamond back moth, Mass multiplication of Emtomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) and field trials with EPN against white grub.
- Studies on impact of drought on socio-economic status of farmers from drought prone area, knowledge and adoption of crop production technology of major crops generated by M.P.K.V. Rahuri,
- Awareness, attitude and Constraints associated with Credit & other Facilities extended by state and central government through different portals.
- Adoption of recommended livestock management practices in Kolhapur district.
- Knowledge and adoption of recommended practices for control of oily spot disease on pomegranate in Sangli district, white grub management practices and integrated nutrient management practices by banana growers from Kolhapur district.
- Irrigation water management in major horticultural crops from Kolhapur district.
- Upgradation, automation and renovation of existing meteorological observatory (from existing ‘B’ type into ‘A’ type).
- Strengthening of PHT laboratory.
- Establishment of new fruit orchards of Kagzi lime, sweet orange, arecanut, guava, karonda, anona, spices crops, aromatic and medicinal plants in the upcoming years.
- The establishment of fully automized micro irrigation system to all the fruit and plantation crops.
- Construction of new high capacity farm pond to harvest the rain water and its use in the summer season for irrigation purpose.
- Establishment of glass house for pathological research work,
- Research on effect of climate change on soil quality and crop productivity, micronutrients and nutritional studies of various crops, studies on quality of irrigation water, integrated nutrient management (INM), nano technology for sustainable soil productivity and crop yield and survey in relation to soil fertility and productivity in Kolhapur region.
- Conduct of field demonstrations on farmers field
- Organization of training programmes for the staff of state agriculture department
- College Extension Block serves as an extension education laboratory to the under graduate and post graduate students.
- To test the technology generated by the university on the farmers field by using various extension teaching methods.
- To provide the improved seeds of paddy, sorghum, wheat, gram, nagali (Finger millet), sets of sugarcane and grafts of important fruit crops on no profit no loss basis.
- To help the farmers, women and rural youths for entrepreneurship development in dairy, poultry, goat and fruit processing etc. to uplift their socio- economic status.
- To provide feedback to the university scientists.
- “Farmers first” for farmers innovations research, science and technology to refinement of technology feed back for technology refinement.
- To be a leading institute, the RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur is taking under graduate and post graduate students to the highest levels of intellectual and personal development in the milieu of a competitive teaching, research and extension services in the country.
- By exemplifying the teacher-scholar model, and by modelling best practices in education and agriculture, maintain a reputation of excellence and garner top rank on campus, in Maharashtra State, and throughout the country.
- Conduct study programs uniquely positioned to pace with the dynamic nature of innovation and technology in agriculture.
- Strive to support student success through a productive work environment and excellent facilities.
- Implementation of “Panchsutri” for doubling the farms income through Development of soil water laboratory (Water and soil analysis); INM Programme, IWM programme and scientific crop cultivation – Multi disciplinary approach (Precision farming, Farm mechanization, insurance, organic farming)
- Development of infrastructure facility for “GI” patient for different crop and technologies and value-added products in the region.