Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj
Students Corner
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Associate Dean Profile

Full Name
Dr. Bansod Ravindra Dalpatrao
M.Tech. (IIT, Kharagpur), Ph.D. (G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar Uttarakhand), ADIT, ICAR-NET (2 times), FELLOW-Institution of Engineers
Present Designation
Associate Dean RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur
Positions Handled
1) Associate Director of Research, ZARS, Ganeshkhind Pune
2) HOD SWCE MPKV, Rahuri
3) HOD Farm Structure and Rural Electrification
4) Professor of Agril. Engg. Section and Estate Manager A.C.Pune
5) Students Welfare Officer, A.C.Pune,
6) Vice President, Dr.ASCAET Rahuri and Agril. College Pune
7) Co-ordinator for Joint Agresco in SWCE
Research articles : 87, Technical Articles: 62 Popular Articles : 110 (seven articles selected as a cover story) Books Published :05, Books Reviewed:04
Extension Lectures
475 lectures delivered as a Resource Person, in National Institues like YASHADA, Pune, National Water Academy Khadakwasla, NICMAR, Pune,NGOs, Farmer’s rallies, Lead Speaker in National Institutes, State
Institutes, UPSC Cadre Central Govt. Officers Trainings, State Govt. Agril.Officiers Trainings and National and International Seminars,
Conférences, Watershed park
Students Guided/guiding
Ph.D. – 5 M.Tech.- 12 B.Tech./B.E.-37
- Actively involved in development of 2380 Acres of Watershed at Central Campus Rahuri
through Adarsha Gaon Yojana - Established as an Incharge, ARIS, Copmuter Lab & Networking in A.C.Kolhapur
- Established Watershed Park in A.C. Pune
- Selected three times in International, eight times in National and 9 times in state Master’s athletics
competition - Acting as Senior National Chess Arbiter.
- Associated in development of 24 technologies/recommandations.
- Received National (ICAR Best Teacher) Award in 2019.
- Selected and Participated in International Masters Athletic Ashian Games held in Malesia in Dec.
2019 and Selected for International Masters Athletics Finland and Sweden. - Eight times selection in National Masters Athletics Competitions (2015-24)
- Best Teacher, Dr.A.S.College of Agril.Engg.& Tech. Elected by Students and Students Council-2015
- State Level Sanskar Ratna (Best teacher) by ISO Sanskar Pratistan, Jan 2020
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award received in Bangalore 2018 *Best
Professor (Krishi ratna) State Level awards in 2018 and 2019 by Loksatta Sangarsha - Excellence in Teaching National Award received in Hyderabad-2016
- Outstanding Scientist Award in International Conference received in Jodhpur. 2016
- Distinguished Scientist National Award- 2016
- Best Paper Presentatation-International Conference in Jodhpur-2016
- Agrocare Idol Best Teacher- State Level Award- Satana Nashik -2014
- Gold medal in Maharashtra Masters Athletics (400M), in 2018 in Pune
- Three silver Medals in 400, 200 and 100 Mtrs. in Maharashtra Masters Ath. In 2019 in Sangli.
- Three GOLD Medals in Maharashtra State Agril.Univ., Mahabeej and MHAPSU Staff Sprots in
2020 and 2022 - Krishi Ratna Adarsha Shikshak State Level Award-2017
- Krishi Prerana State Level Award-2017
- Krishi Bhushan Best Professor State Level Award- 2018
- Gold Medal for Research Article in National Seminar -2008 (shared)
- Excellent Presentation Award in Sate Level Seminar
- Silver medal in Maharashtra State Masters Athletics in 400 M running.
- Bronze medals (4 times) in Maha. State Masters Athletics in 100 M, 200M and 400M. * Open
Univ. (GBPUAT, Pantnagar) Chess Championship- 2 times (in 2001-02 and 2002-03) - P.G. Chess Championship and Vivekanand Bhawan Championship in 2003.
- General Champion in Pune zone in Open Staff Sports.
- Open University Championships in 1. Chess and 2. Relay 4x100M in Open Staff sports of 4-zones
under MPKV, Rahuri in 2018. Open University Championships in 1. Chess and 2. Relay 4x100M in Open Staff sports of 4-zones
under MPKV, Rahuri in 2007.- Runnership in 400M in Open Staff sports of 4-zones under MPKV, Rahuri in 2018
- First Prize in instrumental (Mouth Organ) and First Prize in Hindi Songs in AC Pune.
- First Prize in instrumental (Mouth Organ) and First Prize in Hindi Songs in AC Pune.
- Certificate of Honour by ISAE Jan 2020
- Three Gold Medals in 100, 200 and 400 mtrs. In Mharashtra State Master’s Atheletics held in
Nashik in Dec. 2023 - Best Poster Award (shared) in the Conference on Advanced Agricultural Technology
(Mechanization) during Furturistic Farming on 20-21 Dec. 2023. - Best Paper Award -2023 (shared) for Instability in Banana Export from India by Society for
Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHANA), Nauni, Solan (H.P.) - Stood first in 200,400 and 50 mtrs in 50 plus in staff sports of all cadres under jurisdiction of
MPKV, Rahuri and won all three Chess matches in open competition in 2024.
- Elected as University (GBPUAT Pantnagar) Chairman for PG Society of Eight Colleges
- General Secreatry of Vivekananad Bhavan, Pantnagar
- Director, Professors Co-operative Patsanstha, Kolhapur
- Founder & Editor of Adaranjali Magazine
- Staff Advisor in Dr. ASCAET, Rahuri
- Vice President in Dr. ASCAET, Rahuri
- Cultural Advisor, College of Agriculture, Pune
- Students welfare Officer College of Agriculture, Pune
- President of Ganeshotsav (5 yrs) at College of Agriculture Kolhapur
- API index, cumulative score of CAT III : 4672 and highest of 125 each year for last 7-8 yrs