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College Development Block
Extension Education Units : College Development Block
Extension wing of the College of Agriculture, Kolhapur established in 1963-64 is an integral part of the college which performs all the three functions viz., teaching, research and extension education.
The college development block was attached to extension wing in the year 1968. Previously it had 62 villages from Karveer tahshil of Kolhapur district and divided into eight circles, where eight Agricultural Assistants were placed to disseminate the agricultural technology to farmers. The extension programmes in the college development block are planned and implemented under the guidance and the directives of the Professor of Extension Education. The block serves as a laboratory for providing scientific and supervised training in the subject of Agricultural Extension to the students of the College of Agriculture, Kolhapur.
After transfer of technology in Karveer tahsil, the College Developmennt Block (CDB) was shifted to Hatkanangle tahsil in 1998 as per Executive Council Resolution No.5 dt. 27/4/1998 in 44 newly selected villages which are grouped together into eight circles. In 2001, other circles were established in Radhanagari and Bhudhargad tahsil of Kolhapur district with 18 new villages. The objectives and functions of College Development Block are as follows
- To serve as an Extension Education laboratory to the under graduate and Post Graduate students.
- To test the Technology generated by the university on the farmers field by using various extension teaching methods and programmes.
- To provide the improved seeds of paddy, sorghum, wheat, gram, soybean, nagali etc. and grafts of important fruit crops on No Profit No Loss basis.
- To help the farmers, women and rural youths for entrepreneurship development in dairy, poultry, goat, fruit processing etc. to uplift their socio- economic status.
- To provide feedback to the university scientists.
Tahsilwise and Circlewise List of Villages
Sr.No | Tahsil | Name of Circles | Name of Villages |
1 | Hatkanangale | Alte (5) | Alte, Kumbhoj, Nej, Hingangaon, Majale |
Sajani (10) | Khotwadi, Hatkanagale, Sajani, Korochi, Tilwani, Kabnoor, Mangaon, Managaonwadi, Rui, Tardal | ||
Wathar (7) | Wathar, Chavare, Ghunki, Kini, Bhadole, Pargaon, Kasbe Vadgaon | ||
2 | Hatkanangale | Nagaon (6) | Nagaon, MaujeVadgaon, Top, Sambhapoor, Kasarwadi, Minche |
Padli (6) | Padli, Padli-darvesh, Ambap, Ambapwadi, Manpadale, Talsande | ||
Male (9) | Male, Malewadi, Rukadi, Atigre, Herle, Chokak, Gadmudshingi, Halondi, Male Mudshingi | ||
3 | Bhudargad | Gargoti (8) | Gargoti, Salpewadi, Shindewadi, Fanaswadi, Ambavane, Hanbarwadi, Kalnakwadi, Khanapur |
4 | Radhanagari | Turambe (10) | Turambe, Kapileshwar, Arjunwada, Titave, Kasarwad, Mangoli, Aknur, Admapur, Waghapur, Chandre |
Method of Assessing Extension Education Needs of the Community
The Agricultural Assistants posted in different circles assess the needs of the community from the activities like method demonstration, result demonstration, farmers rally, group discussion, training on IPM, field visits, farm and home visits etc. The recommendation of research sub section of this wing also assesses needs of community.
Funding Sources: State Govt.
Sr. No. | Designation | No. of posts |
1 | Professor | 1 |
2 | Associate Professor | 1 |
3 | Extension Training Officer (Asso. Prof.) | 1 |
4 | Assistant Professor | 2 |
5 | Â Senior Research Assistant | 1 |
6 | Agricultural Assistant | 8 |
Extension Education activities by Development Block of RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur (2018-19 to 2022-23)
Sr. No. | Activity | No. of Activities | No. of Beneficiaries |
1 | Farm and Home Visits | 2315 | 11778 |
2 | Group Discussion | 255 | 3055 |
3 | Shivar Ferries | 34 | 374 |
4 | Farmers Rallies | 04 | mass |
5 | Farmers Exposure Visits (CSRS Padegaon, KVK Baramati, MPKV, Rahuri) | 03 | 74 |
6 | Soil testing & Water testing | 80 | 352 |
7 | Method Demonstrations | ||
Seed Treatment, Pit filling, Silage Preparation, Mango side Grafting, Use of Pheromone Traps, White Grub Management, Bio-fertilizer application, Seedling Nursery, Training in fruit crops, Stubble Shaving in sugarcane, Dashparni Ark, | 302 | 890 | |
8 | Seed Input for Result Demonstration | ||
I ) Kharif Season | |||
Paddy – Bhogavati | 375 kg | 50 | |
Paddy – Phule Radha | 405 kg | 54 | |
FLD of Soybean – ARS K’Digraj | 45 kg | 03 | |
Soybean -KDS-344 | 780 kg | 112 | |
II) Rabi Season | |||
Wheat- Phule Samadhan | 1020 kg | 132 | |
Gram – Vishal | 240 | 32 | |
Gram- Vikram | 120 | 16 | |
11 | Seeds/ Seedlings Made available to Farmers (Coordination) | ||
Paddy – Phule Radha | 610 kg | 50 | |
Paddy – Bhogavati | 165 kg | 16 | |
Soybean – DS- 228 (Phule Kalyani) | 750 kg | 12 | |
Soybean -KDS-344 (Phule Sangam) | 1325 kg | 69 | |
Soybean- KDS-753 (Phule Kimaya) | 70 kg | 02 | |
Soybean KS-103 | 90 kg | 08 | |
Ground Nut JL286 (Phule Unap) | 370 kg | 26 | |
Ground Nut JL-24 | 150 kg | 5 | |
Sugarcane (C0-86032, CoM-265, 92005) | 81000 sets | 16 | |
Finger Millet | 6 kg | 6 | |
Wheat – Samadhan | 460 kg | 68 | |
Wheat- Tryambak | 180 kg | 07 | |
Gram Vishal | 120 kg | 16 | |
Gram Vikram | 150 kg | 08 | |
Gram Digvijay | 50 kg | 02 | |
Fruit crops (Mango, Sapota, Coconut, Lime, Pomegranate) | 762 | 48 | |
Fruit crops made available to SC farmers under SCSPlan through Horticulture Section (Mango Kesar, Kagazi Lime Sai Sarbati, Tamarind Local) |
720 | 60 | |
12 | Bio fertilizers/ Bio-control agents Made available to farmers (Coordination) | ||
D-Culture, Azotobacter, Acetobacter, PSB, Rhizobium | 320.5 kg | 166 | |
Trichoderma | 31.5 kg | 22 | |
Metarhizium | 62.5 kg | 11 | |
Giriraj Birds | 150 no. | 02 | |
13 | Trainings | ||
Farm women- Fruit & Vegetable Processing, Women empowerment through subsidiary agribusiness. | 03 | 61 | |
Farmers- Nursery Management, Contribution of govt. agencies towards sustainable agriculture. | 02 | 43 | |
14 | News | 287 | Mass |
Information services
Every year, nearly 2 to 3 thousand farmers, students and officers are visiting College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. The extension department organizes visits and provides the information of different research projects to the visitors. Radio talks and Television interviews on different subjects are delivered by the Professors.
Impact statement
The farmers in Kolhapur Region are benefited regarding improved agricultural technology introduced by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. Also, the problems regarding pests and diseases of crops, animal disease, soil problems and introduction of improved varieties, problems of fruit orchards and vegetables, etc. through bio control and impact of IPM practices are resolved.
Feedback from farmers to researchers
- Variety specific nutrient management practices, particularly with Co-265 need to be suggested.
- Effective control measures and IPM for white grub has to be suggested.
- Seeds of forage crops should be made available on small scale to needy farmers for popularization of University varieties.
- Research on management of Sugarcane variety Co-92005, which is prone to disease complex under heavy soils of high rainfall zone.
- Process optimization for jaggery production in semi automated jaggery units.
- Package of practices for Organic Farming in various crops, needs to be specified, Need for validation of indigenous technologies viz: jivamrut, bijamrut, amrutpani.
- Training programme on processing, value addition and post harvest technology should be initiated in field crops.
- Recommendations on use of modern machinery and implements for mechanization of farms need to be given due to labour unavailability.
RAWE & AIA Programme
The Professor of Agril. Extension & Communication acts as a Co-ordinator for RAWE & AIA Programme. As per Vth Deans Committee recommendation, the VIIth & VIIIth semester students are placed in villages for one semester from 2020-21(i.e. 24 weeks). Approx. 30 students are allotted for one centre and 5 to 6 students are placed in one village. One Programme Officer is appointed for one centre. Student plans, organize and conduct various extension programme for transfer of technology at field level in consultation with Programme Officer. Also students study the economics of different crops, financial institution, Panchayat Raj institute working at village level. Programme Officer supervises the discipline, conduct, punctuality of the students in village. During their stay period, students study one agro based industry and visit four units like KVK, RARS, Agril. College and SHG/ NGO/ ATMA for one month each.
The Subject Matter Specialists of RAWE & AIA attend monthly meetings, group discussions, farmers ‘rallies and guide the students and farmers of their respective RAWE & AIA centers.
The details of extension activities carried out by students every year in Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE & AIA) Programme during 2018-19 to 2022-23 is as follows:
Extension Activities / Programme organized by RAWE (Old) & RAWE & AIA ( New) students during 2018 -19 to 2022 –23
Language Laboratory
The RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur has dedicated Language Laboratory cum 24×7 Internet Cell exclusively for improving English language communication of the students at college library. The Language Laboratory is well equipped with software, projector, speakers, a computers and an UPS. The practical classes of the courses like LANG-111 (Title: Comprehension & Communication Skills in English), EXTN-123 (Title: Communication Skills and Personality Development) and PGS-502 (Title: Technical Writing and Communication Skills) are conducted in the Language lab. In this context, it is important that we familiarize ourselves and our students with the concept of the online resources and trainings which are primarily built on the principle called as LSRW – Listen, Speak, Read and Write method of learning a language. This method has been proved by the scientific world as an optimum way of learning a language when compared to the conventional way. During and after COVID-19, it has been observed that students have become very familiar to use resources on mobile and it is convenient to them also.
In view of this, RCSMCOA, Kolhapur has purchased licensed access to the website https://www.nipaers.com . The NIPA GENX Electronic Resources and Solutions Private Ltd has provided this amazing online resource. The website deals with online Competitive exams, personality development, communication skills and human values resources to improve growth and placements of students and English language development and improvement. The college has full access to four tutorials such as Competitive Exams, E-books, English Language Learning and Personality Development and Human Values. There are total 31 online modules.
(25 modules on personality development and 6 modules on developing and polishing skills of English Language.) There are several pre-recorded videos by eminent professors and experts which can be watched unlimited times during the subscription. The online video modules can be accessed by students 24×7 from anywhere. Unlimited practical sheets and assignments are provided for students. Under competitive exams tab, students get thousands of practice question papers, mock tests covering ICAR-JRF, SRF, NET, STO, ARS, and IBPS etc. It is a subscription based online model which provides facility to make the students proficient in English. Doubts of students can also be solved through online access. All staff members also have access to the https://www.nipaers.com online modules.
During COVID-19, students were very much interested in online education. These kind of modules are highly effective in improving all round personality of students and language skills.
Apart from Spoken Language, Group Discussion and Interview Techniques are being taught with the help of Cell Phone cameras. Besides this, a set of DVDs have been purchased and are being used in the classroom. The Language lab offers students to access to a new world of information and proficiency through the courseware. The Laboratory is effectively utilized by students and faculty members for various self-enhancement and soft skill development activities. Laboratory proves beneficial for those students who are poor in use of English language. Students from rural areas who are generally weak in English can have sufficient ear training in the language lab. It aims at confidence-building among students for interactions and presentations in English. The basic purpose of the lab is to provide students a platform to enhance English language skills, communication skills and to practice soft skills.
The students are given training in the areas of :
- Phonetics
- Grammar
- Conversational Skills
- Soft skills
- Group discussion
- Resume Writing
- Personal Interview
- Debating & Elocution Skills
- E-mail Writing
- Presentation Skills

(Sectional In-house Research Projects Conducted by Agricultural Extension & Communication Section)
Publication Details
Google Citation Report
Name of Section; Agril. Extension & Communication
Sr.No | Name of the Faculty | Google Citation No. | H index | i-10 index |
1 | Dr. Kolgane B.T. | 22 | 2 | 0 |
2 | Dr. Sonawane H. P. | 27 | 3 | 0 |
3 | Dr. M. B. Gund | – | – | – |
Research work carried out by Post Graduate Students of Section
Name of Section : Agril. Extension & Communication